The next Union Meeting will be on February 4th at 6:00pm.
Please note the new start time which was adopted at the November Membership Meeting.
Effective 1/22/2025, Local 557 will be closed from 12pm to 1pm each business day.
- Registration on the “out of work list(s)” shall be done during normal business hours of 7:00am to 4:30pm, Monday-Friday.
- The Business Manager and/or his duly appointed representative is responsible for filling calls in a timely manner as needed by employers.
- You must be laid off to be eligible to sign the out of work list.
- It is your responsibility to notify the hall of any changes of phone number or other changes that may occur.
- When work is available applicants for employment shall be referred in chronological from Group I. When Group I is exhausted, applicants shall be referred in the same manner from Group II, then Group III and then Group IV.
- Registrants must re-sign monthly, beginning on the 10th and ending on the 16th of that month. You may use one of the following methods to remain on the “out of work list(s)” and re-sign:
- In person
- Fax: 989-781-0563 - Please include name, phone number, card number, and original sign date.
- Email: jobline@ibew557.org – Please include name, phone number, card number, and original sign date.
IBEW Local 557 utilizes a “bid system”. Call 989-781-0516, Extension #3, after 4:30pm each business day to bid on any calls that may be on the Job Line. You may also view job calls for the day on our website – www.ibew557.org
When leaving a message on the Job Line voicemail to bid on a call, please provide your name, original sign date, job preference, and a contact number you can be reached at if called the next day to be offered the job.
Please make every effort to make yourself available to receive a job offering phone call from the Union Hall. If the Union Hall reaches a voicemail, the registrant will have 5 minutes to respond back to Local 557 or receive a strike.
Registrants shall be allowed two (2) strikes without penalty. At the third strike, registrants will be removed from the list. When you receive 3 strikes, you will need to re-register. Regardless of the number of calls, you may only receive one strike per day maximum.
Strikes will not be issued for the following calls: Reduced rate jobs, Short Calls, Emergency calls, or Specialty calls that may require special skills, abilities, certifications, climbing or specific training.
Please refer to the IBEW Local 557 Collective Bargaining Agreement for additional details and procedures, if needed.
Local 557 - Over 90 years
of Quality Electrical Installation
On November 29, 1929 the Charter to Local Union 557 was granted and signed by:
Fred A. Ross, W. J. Atherton, Winn Wilder, Richard Reinhardt, Alvin Darling, James Nolan, George D. Beck, Charles M. Berger, Conrad LaLonde, John R. Reams, Lester LaLonde, Charles Hendricks, Daniel Kearns, Murray Sills, Walter J. Behm, John Goodrich, and William C. Smelley.
The following facts were provided by the International Staff to the delegates at the October, 2006 International Convention in Cleveland, Ohio:
Saginaw, Michigan received their charter from the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers on November 21, 1929. Prior to that, three other cities were given the IBEW Local Union 557 designation, they were
Ryolite, Nevada in 1907
York, Pennsylvania in 1913
Minot, North Dakota in 1916.Saginaw had three other IBEW Local Union designations prior to being assigned its current 557 designation. In 1895 Saginaw was Local Union 78, then in 1900 it was Local Union 145, and the last designation was Local Union 476 in 1913 before finally becoming Local Union 557 in 1929.
There also was an lineman local in Saginaw, Local Union 831 that was amalgamated with Local Union 17, of Detroit, in 1936.
The other IBEW Local Union in our area was Local Union 1288 in Caro, established in 1941 which ceased to exist in 1944.
Support your local unions.